Thursday, January 26, 2012

Let's do this... 1/25

I was so excited and anxious to start working with Tangela at the PLC again! I was a little bit nervous, because I was going to be working in a new room and with a new teacher. The teacher's name is Mr. Piazza and it is in the downstairs part of the building. When I walked in, Mr. Piazza and Tangela both seemed excited to see me. I was running a little bit late (by about 3 minutes) and when I walked in Tangela said, "I was just startin' to think you weren't comin'!" I laughed and walked toward her seat. Mr. Piazza got a chair for me and we started to work on the website "USA Test Prep". Tangela had forgotten her username and password, so it took us a little while to get set up. Mr. Piazza was very helpful and seemed very nice, which made me so happy! After we got logged in, we decided that beause the EOCT for Economics is coming up in about a month we would work on that first. There was an option to take a test first to help the program know which questions would help the student, and which questions the student already knows. Sadly, it did not seem like Tangela knew many questions on the practice test at all. I have no taken Economics since I was a junior in high school, so it was no walk in the park for me either! I started trying to explain some of the terms and concepts to Tangela. What usually works best is when I take the problem we are looking at and change it so that it is more simple or has more familiar words to get her started. Then I will talk her through eliminating me of the answers. Finally, I will ask her to choose what she thinks is the best answer and then explain to me why she is choosing that one. If there were any concepts I was unaware of at all, I wrote them down so that we can be sure to go over them next time. It was a good first day back overall! It was cut short though because of a fire drill. It was interesting and I was excited to see how procedures worked. There was no warning, but Mr. Piazza said we "would be interrupted" about 1:30 and to be prepared to stop working. It went pretty smoothly, and we excited the building pretty quickly. The fire drill lasted a little while because apparently a fire marshal was there to inspect something. After the drill, I was about to leave when I noticed another tutor leaving from the same class. It seemed like she may have just started so I introduced myself and started talking to her. She said that it was her first week, and was doing the tutoring for a CHFD class. She asked me a few questions, and I was thankful that I had experienced some of the same things the previous semester, so I was able to help her out! I walked to my car and felt so happy that I was tutoring again at the PLC, my happy place. :)

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