Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1 step forward and 2 steps back :( 2/15

Today, I went into the PLC feeling excited to work with Tangela and hoping that she had her spirits high! The econ EOCT would be in a few weeks and we really needed to get working. Sadly, when I walked in Tangela was so tired she could not keep her eyes open. She said that work was really a burden because she was so tired when she got to school she couldn't focus. She said that the transportation situation was not any better, and that her grandfather had died over the weekend. I talked with her for a few minutes about this, but thought getting her mind off it would be good. So we started doing online flashcards and it was like pulling teeth! She kept laying her head down and said she couldn't do anymore. She said she was sooooo tired and needed coffee. Mr. Piazza walked over and offered her some kind and encouraging words. He gave her an apple he had brought to school and said that she could eat it and it would help her feel energized! She ate that and we got through a few more flashcards. She then said she wanted to go buy a coke and then she would be energized. So we walked to get a coke, but the machine was empty. I said we should take a few laps around the hall to wake her up and I had her do funny things like arm circles, and leg lifts and at the end flap her arms like a bird. :) She was laughing and seemed more awake so we went into the class and did some more flashcards. She was doing well and was reciting the definitions to many words that I did not even know. All was going well until the class moved to the center of the room for advisement. Mr. Piazza was really excited for what they were doing and started off the advisement by acting like a robot and did not stop until someone asked him if he was a robot. He said that yes and he asked why they were all laughing because many people act like that when their friends are all doing something they follow suit, like a robot. Next, he had some questions he asked and he wanted the class to be able to get up and move around. If you answered no to a question you should go to the left, maybe in the middle, and yes on the right. Only about 4 people initially followed his instructions. A few more stragglers began moving and Tangela never moved. This broke my heart. Mr. Piazza was trying so hard to have the class move around from the computers they are confined to all day and many were refusing this opportunity. Tangela walked back to where I was sitting after and said the assignment was stupid. I asked her why she did not move and said that when I teach one day I hope my students don't act like that because I would be upset! She mumbled a few things like "that's stupid" and "oh well". She shut down on me and I had no idea why. I think I may have embarrassed her, which was not my intention at all. I left my happy place today feeling a little less than happy... :(

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